Who can place orders on Böllhoff’s eShop?
Only companies located in Spain and Portugal are allowed to place orders on Böllhoff’s eShop. Individual accounts are not permitted on this eShop. Companies located in France, Austria, Germany, Spain, Portugal and Italy can register on the eShop specific to their respective countries:
For customers from other countries, please send your inquiries or orders to the following email address:
How can I create an account on the eShop?
Click the “Log in” button at the top right, then click “Register now” and fill out the registration form. Provide your login details (email, password) during the registration process. Your account will be activated within the next 3 hours after verifying your company’s data. You will receive a confirmation email when your account is activated.
This does not apply to companies located outside of Spain and Portugal.
How long does it take for my eShop account to be activated?
My account
How does the login work?
You provided your login details during the registration process, in the corresponding form. These details consist of a valid email address and a password. To access your account, click “Log in” at the top right and enter your login details.
Why can’t I see the prices?
I’ve forgotten my password
Where can I manage my customer information?
How can I change the billing address?
How can I change the delivery address?
Item search
How does the item search work?
Does the search work with the Böllhoff item number?
Where can I find information about my eShop orders?
How can I check if an item is available?
How can I add our order reference to an order on the eShop?
What payment methods does Böllhoff accept?
How long will the delivery take?
You can also check with us for options and delivery times; we’ll be happy to assist you. Feel free to leave a message in the text box at the end of your order or contact us by email or phone.