Tapping tools

HELICOIL® manual taps
HELICOIL® manual taps
manual tap for through holes and blind holes
Metric standard and fine thread | Tools | 0140
HELICOIL® manual taps
HELICOIL® manual taps
pre tap for through holes and blind holes
Metric standard and fine thread | Tools | 0140.1
HELICOIL® manual taps
HELICOIL® manual taps
finishing tap for through holes and blind holes
Metric standard and fine thread | Tools | 0140.2
HELICOIL® combined drilling and tapping tool
HELICOIL® combined drilling and tapping tool
for holding threads according to DIN 8140-2 tolerance class 5H (6H mod.)
Metric standard and fine thread | Tools | 0142.9
Plug gauge for HELICOIL® holding threads
Plug gauge for HELICOIL® holding threads
according to DIN 8140-T2 tolerance class 5H (6H mod.)
Metric standard and fine thread | Accessories
HELICOIL® machine taps
HELICOIL® machine taps
straight fluted | For through holes
Metric standard and fine thread | Accessories | 0141.1
HELICOIL® machine taps
HELICOIL® machine taps
spiral fluted 45° | For blind holes
Metric standard and fine thread | Accessories | 0141.4
HELICOIL® machine taps
HELICOIL® machine taps
spiral fluted 40° | For blind holes
Metric standard and fine thread | Accessories | 0141.5
HELICOIL® manual taps
HELICOIL® manual taps
manual tap for through holes and blind holes
UNC | Tools | 0140
HELICOIL® manual taps
HELICOIL® manual taps
finishing tap for through holes and blind holes
UNC | Tools | 0140.2
HELICOIL® manual taps
HELICOIL® manual taps
manual tap for through holes and blind holes
UNF | Tools | 0140
HELICOIL® machine taps
HELICOIL® machine taps
spiral fluted 40° | For blind holes
UNC | Accessories | 0141.5